
   Which set of edges represents a minimum cut in this network? A. Edges s-A, s-C, and E-t B. Edges A-B, D-E, and E-t C. Edges s-A, C-D, and E-t D. Edges B-t, D-E, and E-t E. None of the above Original idea by: Sadeeq Olalekan Bello
In an evolving network following the Barabási-Albert model, there are two nodes - node C with a degree of 15, and node D with a degree of 25. Given the preferential attachment characteristic of the model, how much more likely is a new node to connect to D than to C? A. 0.6 times more likely B. 1.6 times more likely C. 2.5 times more likely D. 1.7 times more likely E. None of the above Original idea by: Olalekan Sadeeq Bello
In a Barabási-Albert Model network, there are 6 nodes with degrees k1 = 2, k2 = 4, k3 = 6, k4 = 8, k5 = 10, and k6 = 12. If you add a new node with n = 2 links, what is the probability that this new node will connect to node 3? A. 1/21 B. 6/21 C. 2/7 D. 5/7 E. None of the above  Original idea by: Olalekan Sadeeq Bello
In a scale-free network with 8,000 nodes, 10% of the nodes have a degree of 10 or more. If the degree exponent γ is 2, what is the approximate percentage of nodes with a degree of 5 or more? a. 40% b. 20% c. 50% d. 30% e. None of the above. Original idea by: Olalekan Sadeeq Bello
Consider the following graph Apply breadth-first-search-traversal on the above graph. Which traversal is possible if the start vertex is G? (Assume lexicographic ordering of the adjacency lists). 1. GAHJIBCEKD 2. GAHJIBCDEK 3. GAHIJBDEKC 4. GAHIJBCEKD 5. None of the above Original Idea by: Sadeeq Olalekan Bello